Healcisio Receives FastTrack STTR Award

July 13, 2023

Healcisio is proud to announce the successful acquisition of a $1.7 million Phase 1/Phase 2 FastTrack Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant. This significant funding milestone will acclerate Healcisio's deployment of a first-in-class vigilant information seekng AI system that aims to revolutionize predictive analytics in hospitals.

The FastTrack STTR grant, awarded by the NIH, recognizes the exceptional potential and merits of Healcisio's groundbreaking technology. By integrating cutting-edge artificial intelligence algorithms, Healcisio aims to develop a sophisticated system capable of requesting vital-signs assessments and laboratory tests for patients, thereby significantly enhancing its predictive capabilities.

Traditional predictive models often rely on static data, leading to limitations in accuracy and timely interventions. However, Healcisio's novel AI system holds the promise of dynamic, real-time information gathering, enabling healthcare professionals to make more informed decisions and improve patient outcomes.

With the Phase 1/Phase 2 FastTrack STTR grant, Healcisio will expand its research and development efforts, augment its team of experts, and drive extensive clinical testing and validation of the AI system. The funding will play a pivotal role in advancing the technology towards commercialization, enabling Healcisio to offer a state-of-the-art solution that can revolutionize clinical decision support within the healthcare industry.